Spotlight on energeasy connect

Topping sales of one billion euros in 2017, the smart homes and connected objects market is certainly booming. With annual growth in the region of 33%, each French household may well see itself equipped with 500 connected objects by the year 2022! Seeing interoperability as a key factor for growth in this market, Rexel has been providing support to electrical installers since 2015 with its energeasy connect multi-brand controller.

Connected homes in France

Bringing increased comfort, savings and security, the smart homes market is divided into two distinct markets: traditional home automation and connected objects for the home.

For over 20 years, the traditional home automation market has been focussed largely on new builds or on major renovations, generally covering a wide array of usages: alarms, automated devices, garage doors, lighting, etc. It represents a significant investment for users and installation can be relatively complicated, which are factors that could impede fast market growth.

As for connected objects for homes, this market is experiencing rapid development. Focussed on radio offers with usages similar to those of traditional home automation, these can be expanded sequentially. It is often the case that end users start with just one usage (controlling their boiler, for example), and then gradually add on new devices, such as controls for lighting or shutters.

Energeasy connect: a vector for growth in home automation

Energeasy connect is Rexel’s multi-protocol, open-source monitoring solution. Priced very affordably, it allows users to start with one particular usage, and then gradually add more, including for existing devices, making the solution much easier to install and use.

Launched in 2015, energeasy connect boasts new features every year, such as shutter opening, surveillance cameras and – coming soon – voice assistants.

installations carried out
connected devices

Energeasy connect’s capacity to integrate new products within the existing offer constitutes real added value for installers, within a fast-developing market.